Ready to improve your skills on the art of not only signing up a listing but getting it at your price and commission?
This course will consist of four intense weeks of training on every single step involved in signing up a listing. How to literally walk sellers down a path from the time you first speak to them until they sign up with you. The list below explains most of what you will get out of the course.
- Tried and true practices to beat your competition
- Scripts and dialogues for every single objection you can think of from a seller
- Getting your sellers not just willing, but excited to meet
- Getting your appointments to stick
- Getting a seller half sold before you arrive
- Establishing and keeping a great relationship with your sellers
- Controlling the focus of the listing meeting
- Going through the listing appointment in the correct order and sequence
- A step by step process of how to walk the seller down a path to signing up with you and eventually selling for top dollar
If you would like to get a subscription to our entire online training center click here and then click on Get a Monthly All Access Pass.